Harmony H22 Bass

Harmony H22 Bass wiring

Harmony H22 Bass wiring

The H22 has a two way switch
In one position (the one on the schematic below), it is a classic one pickup wiring with tone and volume potentiometers. In the other position, the tone pot has no use (open circuit), and a 0.005 cap is added in the circuit, to remove some of the lower frequencies.

When I bought my H22, the wiring was a mess, I found nothing on the web and nobody could draw a diagram for me, so later I bought an original new old stock harness, photos below.

On my 1964 H22 Bass, the pots are marked as follow :
Tone : R-21 1346409 250K Centralab made in usa
Vol : R-22 1376302 CTS made in usa
I suppose it's a 1 Mohms pot, but I measured 1.5 Mohms.

On the harness I bought later, the pots are marked as follow :
Tone : R-21 1346449 250 K Centralab made in usa
Vol : R-22 1376449 1MEG Centralab made in usa

Harmony H22 Bass wiring

Harmony H22 Bass wiring

Harmony H22 Bass wiring

Harmony H22 Bass wiring
The white wire is not original.
an H22 pickup should measure about 12.5 kohms resistanec.

Harmony H22 Bass wiring

Harmony H22 Bass

Harmony H25 Bass wiring

Harmony H25 Bass wiring

The H25 has a two rockin switches

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