H44 : Classic arrangement for a one pickup, one switch, one volume and one tone pots. The switch is a tone bypass : when it is open, on the down position (from player point of view), the tone pot do nothing.
See H88 (two pickups) schematic at the end of this page, Thanks to Sean !
On my 1954 H44 Stratotone, the 50 K pots are marked as follow, exactly same pots for Vol and Tone :
134407 BA011-1273 50K-C6
smal stamps on back : CRL in a diamond shape, and "USA"
The Cap is marked :
.1 MFD 200 V.D.C (so value is 0.1 mF = 100nF) - SPRAGUE 68P17 made in USA - outside foil - 3-22BN
Usually the H44 "hershey Bar" pickup measure about 3.5 kohm on DC.
Below, photos from a H44