Harmony Stratotone H49 Jupiter / Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 wiring

Use a 3-way rotative switch (ask for a "3 positions, 3 circuits", or "single layered, 3 pole, 3 position"). Neil found a replacement, check photo at the end of this page.

Note the blender pot has a special taper (law) (not the usual audio or linear taper, it can't be replaced by a normal tone or vol pot). But if you can't locate one, use a linear, not a logarithmic (audio) taper.

Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 wiring

And below perhaps the most useful, thanks to Frank for this one

Harmony H49 - Silvertone 1423 wiring

Silvertone 1423 pickups

Silvertone 1423, like Harmony Jupiter H49

Silvertone 1423 switch replacement
Above, a possible modern replacement switch. Shaft needs to be cut down to size. Special "chicken head" knob has to be found separately...

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