Silvertone 1446 wiring

Pickups and wiring made by Gibson

Above and below : 500k Volume pot. Centralab is the maker. Stamped 1346148.
Note the metal housings added by Gibson to protect from interference. Each pot has two tabs to hold the housings in place.
Then boxes are closed with two soldering points.

Above and below : 500K Tone pot. Made by Centralab . stamped 1346202

Above and below the Switchcraft 3-way switch

This wiring is Typical Gibson but different from the usual Harmony wiring. This type of wiring allow for a smooth volume response of the pots, but has a drawback : if the switch is in the middle position (two pickups together, both connected to output jack), and one vol pot is dialed at minimum, then output is connected to ground, so it cut the other pickup at the same time.

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