Harmony H14 Bobkat wiring

Classic arrangement for a one pickup, one switch, one volume and one tone pots. The switch is a tone bypass : when it is open, on the down position (from player point of view), the tone pot do nothing.
Update : the H44 use a different wiring, check it here, the subtle difference is on the vol pot, not connected to ground on the Bobkat. This Bobkat vol wiring is a bit unusual, but works well, at least with older amps, high impedance inputs.

On my 1966 H14 Bobkat, the mini-pots are marked as follow :
Tone : R-20 235603
Vol : R-15 235606
The cap is marked : .1 +/- 20% 200V (so value is 0.1 mF = 100nF)

I measure the following values :
Tone : 330 k ohm
Vol : 1 M ohm

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