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Brand : Baldwin - (1968)
Guitars shown below were made by Harmony and sold under the Baldwin brand. It doesn't mean that all Baldwin guitars were made by Harmony.
Baldwin is known for his pianos and organs. In the sixties, ready to jump in guitar business, Baldwin tried to purchase Fender, but was outbid by CBS... and bought Burns instead. In 1968 they introduced an electrified classical guitar, based on the H174 Harmony. Thanks to Bill Park for information and photos of his 801 CP guitar.
 | 801CP (1968) - Contemporary Classic - 13
Electrified classical guitar. "The 801CP featured a new under-saddle pickup system called the Prismatone pickup in which each string had its own ceramic pickup sensor. While Jim Burns had developed his own system for amplifying a classical guitar as early as 1965, this new technique appears to have come from Baldwin engineers." Source : Vintage guitar article by Steve Krueger and Michael Wright. The 801CP pickup system used an external battery box, housing a 22.5 volts battery. Some 801CP owners say the Prismatone system is the best classical pickups ever made... - (based on Harmony H174) |
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