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models H1266 - Sovereign Deluxe Jumbo
Acoustic flatop - Sunburst
Production year(s) : 1969-1971 (other years possible, not verified)

Double pickguard - replaced the H1265

images 44 images in database
mouse over image for file name - click to enlarge

533x1147 - (115 kb) H1266_Sovereign_02.jpg
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506x1018 - (57 kb) H1266_Sovereign_31.jpg
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1024x685 - (98 kb) H1266_Sovereign_35.jpg
579x685 - (62 kb) H1266_Sovereign_36.jpg
513x998 - (54 kb)

Top woodSpruce
Body woodMahogany
All solid woods

Scale25"1/4642 mm

Related to this model

16 comments | Add your comment !

  • Fabb - 2006-04-30
    Photo 16/17 Une HS1266, dans son jus d'origine, rien n'a été changé, les pickguards ont été perdu suite à divers déménagements, mécaniques d'origine... Action très haute, difficilement jouable mais on s'y habitue. Je la joue dans un registre Blues plus que folk.
    Blues/Jazz quand j'y ajoute un stimmer, en son clair, bo son pour le Jazz,... avec un peu de crunch naturel ou suivant l'attaque, excellent pour le Blues, bo sustain... Pour les personnes intéressées à divers renseignements, Ntmtdf@aol.com... je répondrai sans problème... Fabb
  • Mike Grady - 2007-02-26
    I've had one of these since roughly 1974-1975. I went out cash in hand to buy a new Martin D-35. I stumbled across this 1266, that was the end of the Martin. I still own this one & recently bought a used one in bad shape for way too much money just so I could have one for spare parts. Still my favorite guitar ever even though I need some minor work on it now. I've tried top of the line Taylors Martins & Gibsons. None come close to the beautiful clear deep bass sound. And nothing comes close to the sublime beauty of this guitar.
  • jahbuck@hotmail.com - 2007-04-17
    I got one here I am sprucing up for my drummer. It's awesome. sn 5177H1266, with a smaller stamp R-72-15/made in usa which I believe is the date stamp indicating it was made in 1972. Looks amost exactly like the one in the pictures here, though it's missing the truss rod cover and the little triangular bit at the butt of the back of the neck. It plays and sounds wonderful and is holding up like a champ despite sitting around without a case for years.
  • Nate - 2008-07-17
    I bought this guitar with the first money I ever earned; I was twelve years old. I still have it and no way would I ever part with it. My guitar is exact same as the one pictured and is in about the same condition. My 1266 an me have been though hell and high water togather ; this guitar means as much to me as an arm or leg. I recently purchased an HD-35 Martin which I love. But my life is wrapped up in that old Harmony!
  • Andrew Mullins (U.K.) - 2009-05-01
    My Harmony Soveriegn de Luxe was bought by my parents in Wakefiel,Yorkshire, U.K. as a 21st birthday present.....I did a part ex deal with the local music shop for a "standard" soveriegn..(my folks were not rich!! and the shop owner was a great bloke!)
    I used it on the first around the local folk clubs and on the recordings of a a 45 single and an obscure but apparently rare and collectable L.P. in a duo called Skibird.."Summer of '73"... The guitar was then stolen and re discovered in a notorious 2nd hand store in Leeds where I had to buy it back from the owner who claimed he had bought it 'in good faith' from a certain Mr. M.Mouse!!!!
    I still have the instrument and play it regularly at local gigs (delta blues and English 'folk/blues' Davy Graham/BertJansch/Jon Renbourne genre material.....You would not believe the number of younger quality players with their Martins, Taylors, Fyldes and Takomines who want to swap or buy my old Harmony Soveriegn de Luxe.... A poor man's Martin? I don't think so....a listening man's guitar? ..Without a doubt.
    Andrew Mullins
  • Andy - 2009-05-04
    Absolutely fabulous guitar,bought when I was on tour in Gemany.Enormous throaty bass,wonderful mids and singing highs when you get the setup right.I have mine set up for slide and standard and it excels at both,with 0.54-0.13s.Some curling of the
    double scratchplates but I guess that goes with the territory.Toured with regularly with a mounted Sunrise....I'd never part with it.
  • crustb2@yahoo.com - 2009-05-11
    I bought one of these at Real Guitars in San Francisco that was on consignment for $500 and it's a great guitar. Records great, plays easily. stays in tune....not bad for a 35+ yo instrument that that cost under 2 bills when it was made..
    chris in Frisko
  • jamincello@hotmail.com - 2009-12-11
    Bought my H1266 during the Blizzard of 1969 in Framingham Mass. It came with the same case that is shown and the same strap. Needed something to do while I sat around watching the snow melt. It had a bass tone that still soothes me when ever I take it down from the attic. It is still in beatutiful shape but the pick gaurds have curled and the upper one fell off the last time I used it. Great memories!!!!!
  • Christian Pickup - 2010-01-22
    I have one of these beautiful guitars. It was my mother's guitar, but she hadn't played it since the early 1990s after some idiot in cracked the nut while trying to lower the action for her. It was just collecting dust in her basement, so she gave it to me. I have taken it into a local luthier to get the nut changed and get the action reset. When I took it out of the case, the guys at the shop drooled over it. With exception of the nut, it is in near pristine condition (no scratches, dents, or dings, just some cracks in the lacquer). It is truly a beautiful guitar, and I look forward to playing it. I am sure it will turn heads.
  • Herbie - 2010-02-02
    I am restoring my old 1266 as we speak. I gave up on it years ago because the action was too high and I couldn't keep the double pick guards glued on. The pick guards are not symmetrical like the ones in these images. It has a big ornate lower guard and another small one on the top side of the sound hole. After a careful inspection, I discovered that the body top reinforcents came unglued, causing the body top to warp under the string tension. I glued them back in and I'm back in business. My dad took this guitar in as payment from a guy he did some bodywork for back in the mid '70's (A hippie who ran out of cash). I learned how to play on it, and plan to teach my son on it. Nothing like a third generation guitar....These things do sound sweet!
  • François (webmaster) - 2010-02-02
    Herbie, your guitar is a H1265, check this model (no matter what's stamped inside).
  • Gary Ramsey - 2013-04-16
    Just got done regluing the pickguards. They tend to warp and pull away from the body, creating an annoying buzz. My dad bought this guitar for me on my 19th birthday in 1973. I had narrowed my selection down until it was between the H1266 and a Gibson Hummingbird. Never regretted the choice. Never have owned any other acoustic guitar. Some people say it's ugly and overdone but I've never played another guitar that projects the full audio spectrum like the Sovereign. I can only compare it to a piano.
  • Rocky - 2013-10-30
    I've had my 1266 since the 70's. It's served me well!! The pick guards fell off at some point. The sound actually opened up and got bigger. I loved the 'bigger' sound and have left them off. I was at a Guiness Book showing back in the 70's and was really suprised to see our guitar on display. Harmony had a king sized model of the 1266 to enter it into the world records. I knew at that point that I had something special. I have semi retired it, but for 30 years, it was played almost everyday. It's a testimonial to a great friend and guitar. Glad to find others who feel the same.
  • Patrick - 2015-12-20
    I bought mine in 1969 from Sam Zimmerman's Appliance Store in Ligonier, Pa. My cousin Tom bought one at the same time. Sam told us that this model was as good as the nicest Gibson's of the time which we could not afford. We thought he was just working a sales pitch.
    46 years later I think he was right. Recently dug it out of my shop. It has been sitting idle since 1990 and needed a bit of work. Now that its playable I am amazed at the quality and depth of the tone. Tuned to modified G it is perfect for Justin Hayward's, Never comes the day.
    historical note:
    The pick guards were not symmetrical in '69 and the tuning machines were not enclosed.
  • L. Rodgers - 2018-03-22
    I bought mine in 1969, and I still love playing it. Played finger style, it sounds very sweet. However, it really comes into its own when picked/strummed with a Dunlop 73mm nylon plectrum, both played open and with a capo. The attack can range from very gentle and quiet to loud, bringing out the booming base. Surprisingly, I particularly like the sound achieved using silk and steel strings. Some people maintain that the adjustable bridge is a tone killer, but I beg to differ. The guitar has been with me for most of my life, and it continues to give me enormous pleasure.
  • Glen - 2018-08-03
    My Dad gave me my Harmony H1266 back in 1972. It is still in fantastic condition and has been my pride and joy since acquiring it way back then. It still sounds awesome and is fun to play. As it was a gift from my father it is not and never will be for sale. What an amazing and beautiful guitar.

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