H1820T - Monterey tenor
Acoustic archtop - Wine-red sunburst
Production year(s) : 1937-1940 (other years possible, not verified)
Tenor guitar to match the 6 string H1320 Monterey - B&W checkered bindings on top - B&W pickguard
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1 comment | Add your comment ! - Nick R - 2015-10-16
The first models- about 1937 had a "mahogany" sunburst finish- and just Monterey on the headstock. In about 1939, the HARMONY name in small capitals was added and the Monterey name was altered to be horizontal to make room. At the same time, the colour became a wine sunburst and the guitar was known then as the Monterey Artist- and the price raised a little! I think these details apply exactly to the six string Monterey guitars as well.