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models H6128 - Stella
Acoustic flatop - Natural
Production year(s) : 1972-1975 (other years possible, not verified)

Seventies version of the H927 - Two different versions : late models use laminated woods, have a faux spruce grained top, an all plastic adjustable bridge, and dots instead of "H" painted markers on the fretboard. The logo name on the head changed from "Stella" to "Harmony" on later versions. Late models wears the Stella name only on the label inside. H6130 is the same model in sunburst finish.

images 37 images in database
mouse over image for file name - click to enlarge

800x456 - (70 kb) H6128_Stella_02.jpg
800x568 - (100 kb) H6128_Stella_03.jpg
800x632 - (100 kb) H6128_Stella_04.jpg
800x600 - (162 kb) H6128_Stella_05.jpg
755x517 - (46 kb) H6128_Stella_06.jpg
537x600 - (51 kb) H6128_Stella_07.jpg
764x561 - (57 kb) H6128_Stella_08.jpg
480x640 - (38 kb) H6128_Stella_09.jpg
387x578 - (31 kb) H6128_Stella_10.jpg
399x615 - (28 kb) H6128_Stella_11.jpg
482x388 - (28 kb) H6128_Stella_12.jpg
475x501 - (19 kb) H6128_Stella_13.jpg
480x640 - (38 kb) H6128_Stella_14.jpg
538x451 - (27 kb) H6128_Stella_1972_01.jpg
800x600 - (61 kb) H6128_Stella_1972_02.jpg
500x375 - (33 kb) H6128_Stella_1972_03.jpg
797x530 - (71 kb) H6128_Stella_1972_04.jpg
751x551 - (71 kb) H6128_Stella_1972_05.jpg
765x545 - (58 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_01.jpg
304x600 - (17 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_02.jpg
450x600 - (25 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_03.jpg
450x600 - (34 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_04.jpg
450x600 - (26 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_05.jpg
450x600 - (28 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_06.jpg
450x600 - (30 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_07.jpg
600x450 - (42 kb) H6128_Stella_1973_08.jpg
309x566 - (14 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_01.jpg
410x800 - (36 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_02.jpg
413x800 - (28 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_03.jpg
262x800 - (21 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_04.jpg
393x600 - (29 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_05.jpg
599x800 - (77 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_06.jpg
800x599 - (66 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_07.jpg
800x599 - (64 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_08.jpg
800x664 - (73 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_09.jpg
800x599 - (72 kb) H6128_Stella_1975_10.jpg
471x800 - (53 kb)

Top woodSolid then laminated birch
Body woodSolid then laminated birch
Early models were made from solid birch. Later they used laminated birch with "photo-finished" top to ressemble spruce

Scale24"1/4615 mm

25 comments | Add your comment !

  • Stomping Sid Martin - 2006-06-03
    I have this model and after initial doubts about it Im growing to like it more and more.The action
    is quite high but in some ways it feels as if it needs to be.I might spend a few bob on it and see
    if it can be lowered just enough to make it easier
    to play but not so much as to take away the character.What can I say?Im hooked on Stellas and thanks for this wonderful site.I will have to fight the feeling to buy more.
  • BluegrassBrian - 2006-08-17
    I just found this site and WOW!!! I have the Harmony Stella H6128 and I have had it since I was a boy. This was my first guitar that my grandmother bought me and I'll never let it go.
  • Mr. B Goode - 2006-12-20
    I have this guitar in NH, second owner - gift from friend in MI who got it new when he was young. The date stamp in mine indicates 1976 as year made. I've reglued the neck mount, and I tune it lower to reduce tension, but it gets played plenty and sounds fine, and looks nice, too.
  • GZap - 2007-07-15
    This little guitar is really loud for the size.
    It's got tone that's hard to believe..it's a keeper. I know it's a cheap guitar but price isn't everything!
  • phmancus - 2009-05-16
    I just picked up one of these from goodwill yesterday for $30 bucks! it's in excellent condition, except for the 4 old strings on it. I picked it up, tuned it to an open C chord, and wow, that thing boomed! mine has the harmony logo on the headstock and the dotted fretboard instead of the "H", so I'm pretty sure it's a 1976. It's a heavy little thing, but the sound sure carries.
  • onemadfool - 2009-05-19
    Got this little beauty from a friend recently and like the other reviewers said, it's loud for it size! I love this guitar, my only gripe is the action on the strings is really high. Near the top of the next it's not so bad, but near the bottom of the neck the strings sit off the fretboard almost a good quarter inch. I've tried moving the bridge around, but it didn't help. Other than that, this is a great little guitar.
    I don't know what year mine was made, but it says Harmony on the headstock and Stella made by Harmony on the sticker inside. Mine has the "H' instead of the dots on the fretboard.
  • msgdlsmith - 2009-06-02
    I bought my H6128 May 09' as a vintage keeper, but found it to really be one nice little guitar! It has the "H" pattern Fret Markers, and when I hit it with some Gibson Guitar Polish, and put on some D'Addario Lights, it REALLY came to Life. Just a minor nick here and there, and came in original Red Lined Cardboard Case. Hey, I'm Happy !
  • har me ny - 2009-10-03
    I just bought one of these for 10 bucks, it has 5 H's on the fret board, Harmony on the head stock, and weighs a ton, this thing sounds great. It has some nicks hear and there. I am pretty certain it is a the USA verstion, it says made in the USA, the Harmony Company. I bought if for my kids to play around on, but I tuned it and it sounds great there is no way I can let them destroy it.
  • sjt - 2010-03-27
    I got one of these at a yard sale the other day for $30, because I'd had another Stella years ago. I cleaned it up and put on Martin bronze strings, and moved the floating bridge around a bit....and ended up with an amazing sounding guitar....the notes just explode out of this thing....I am very well pleased with it. The dang thing is built like a brick.
  • Blueboy - 2010-11-07
    I had to pay $45 to get one in fair shape but and it definitely needs intonation work - will have to fool around with the floating saddle. Sounds pretty good in open D with a brass slide.
  • FieldCommanderWARD - 2011-02-20
    I received this guitar in 2010 from my grandmother, who bought it for my father and my aunt way-back in the 80's. Since no one else in our family was interested in playing guitar except for me, i got it. I've been playing it for about 7 months and i can truly say i love this guitar. I wouldn't sell it for anything. I am a self taught guitarist, and i learned off of this guitar, so it is perfect for beginners and advanced players alike.
  • - 2011-06-27
    I just got a stella harmony from goodwill it has five H's on the neck Stella logo with a star under. I believe it is a 72.
  • Guitarking - 2011-12-21
    I bought this guitar on the net for a very low price. It is like new out of the box. Not a mark on it with a perfect neck. The top is laminated but the sound and sustain are both amazing on this little guitar. Very loud and" old timey"fantastic for fingerpicking. I love it!
  • ERIC KING - 2013-03-05
    I've had a great number of expensive,fancy 6&12 strings but none so simple,perfectly crafted and great playing as this old 72 model 6128. It is in perfect condition and I ran across it in my retirement home.Hope many more will enjoy its blessing in years to come!
  • Jaybird Carolina - 2013-07-21
    From a consignment shop I found a lovely old Harmony Stella without a case, nice condition & now trying to trace the serial for dating. I've gotten the action quite low with Martin 12's, still very loud & easy play. What fun.
  • Craig - 2014-07-15
    Picked up one of these last week. It had nylon strings on it and belonged to a music teacher at one time. I bought if from her granddaughter. Paid $50.00. It is stamped S72 inside. Overall it is in nice condition. No loose braces or neck conditions. I changed the strings to steel (light) and set the action pretty low. It plays nice and has a unique tone. I bought it to learn slide so I'll set the action back up and see what I can learn.
  • Erik S. - 2014-09-02
    Just got one of these today for $30 at a thrift store in Philly. It is in almost perfect condition and included a case along with some instruction books and the original "How to care for your Harmony" booklet. I am always searching yard sales, flea markets and thrift stores for bargains on vintage toys, instruments, clothes, collectibles etc to resell for a profit but I don't think I can let this one go. It's a loud little guitar with incredible tone. All it needs is a new set of strings.
  • Tony - 2017-04-09
    I bought my 6128 at antiuqe shop for 40$ but it needs a bit of work its starburst fret board was gone when I bought it everything looks good just need to find where I can find a replacement vintage fret board.
  • Junior Francis - 2017-05-12
    I found one of these at a garage sale today for $5. I cleaned it up, put some light gauge strings on it, and it sounds great. The action is a little high up the neck, but it is fun to play. Perfect $5 guitar!
  • Pelu Maad - 2018-08-11
    Came across an "H" position marker model in 2nd and Charles and immediately paid the $135 asking price. Good solid birch sound and bottleneck action...straight neck and good tuners. Time to learn some Charley Patton.
  • steve - 2018-09-23
    Recently bought a a Teisco E200 Tulip electric guitar on craigslist and there was a couple acoustic guitars thrown in the deal for $100. One acoustic was the H6128. In excellent condition..new model with dots and Harmony on head stock. Just cleaned it up and will get some new strings on it. Hopefully I can figure out where to but the bridge in the correct position. Just found this site doing some research on it.
  • Lone Wolf - 2019-03-09
    I've visited your web site a number of times in the past. I got a Harmony/Stella H6128 for my
    birthday last year. My wife bought it from a
    friend who had purchased it back in the 70s.
    It cost all of $30.00 and was well worth the
    price. It's just a lot of fun to play!
  • Keegan Hymer - 2020-06-26
    I just got one of these recently and is in amazing condition for being this old. Still plays and sounds heavily. I need to find the bridge slot but for now I cut my own wood design that works well. Email me if you want to know more or would be interested in it. Keeganhymer@gmail.com
  • Spaceball Ricochet - 2020-07-08
    AMAZING sound!! Loud, great sustain, and charmingly tinny almost like a resonator. I just picked up a "Harmony" headstock, dotted fretboard H6128 today after playing it at my local antique shop last weekend. It was initially $125 and when I went back today it was only $100. I may have payed a bit more than most folks here but to be honest it's SO VERY worth it. In really great condition and Came with a case as well. I love the sound so much. Reminds me of a lot of CAKE songs. And the strings are widely set for excellent finger-picking ease.
    So happy I found this thing! I will keep it forever.
  • Spaceball Ricochet - 2020-07-08
    **I meant "throaty" instead of "tinny" in my previous comment. Please forgive extra comment. Just needed to clarify. ha

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