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models H39 - Hollywood
Electric Archtop
Production year(s) : 1952-1967 (other years possible, not verified)

1 pickup - H39 model starts in 1952 but did not yet wore the Hollywood name/logo. It had a red treble clef logo on headstock, as seen on the Archtone acoustic series (H1215). Then in real life some early (53-56) models had an "atomic" logo ala Stratotone (see H44). H39 has a "Hershey bar" pickup until 1958, with a volume control and cord attached to the pickguard (and a red jack plug...). "Golden" DeArmond pickup is installed in 1959, with usual "internal" tone and volume pots, and jack on body's side. Check also earlier H37 and H38 Hollywood models with black and gold colors.

images 70 images in database
mouse over image for file name - click to enlarge

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Top woodBirch
Body woodBirch
All solid woods

Scale25"1/4642 mm

29 comments | Add your comment !

  • Savary - 2006-11-07
    I have a H37 and it has the color and finish of the H39. Year was 1962. Maybe in the transition to the new H39 they used old H37 backs. Any Ideas?
  • berny - 2007-01-06
    I'm in possession of my mother's H39 which she performed with in the mid 1950s. The back panel appears to be coming loose. Any ideas on how I can repair this effectively without damaging the integrity of the instrument.
  • dano - 2007-06-29
    I have a 1952 h39
  • Ryon - 2008-04-26
    i have a 59 hollywood it looks the exact same as these up here
  • LeKoos - 2008-05-08
    I have an H39 that I paid $10 at a flea market in 1985. Hillel Slovak from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Anthony came over to my apt after their show and Hillel sat in my bedroom and played my Hollywood until Anthony wanted to leave. He just sat in the dark and played the guitar to himself. Kinda makes my H39 priceless!
  • andrew levi hiller - 2008-10-20
    i just put $50 on mine i have to pay $250.00 more. i can't wait.
  • Ignats - 2008-12-18
    this instrument has excellent tone and action.
  • Sabricent - 2009-01-15
    Our H39 has been our family since it was purchased by my Grandfather brand new. I learned to play on it at the tender age of 12 and have had people want to purchase it from me over the years. I would never part with it.
  • f1nger - 2009-02-20
    2104H39 is my baby. Got it 10 years ago and play it always. 50 years old this year.
  • bolide67 - 2009-04-02
    I have a 55 Hollywood that belonged to my late uncle. It was his only guitar since new in 55, and he played the heck out of it for 50 years, Then he left it to me. It is in VERY nice shape for how old it is..no cracks or repairs ever, all original, except no pickguard or original cord. He used to play acoustically and at some point he took the cord off (kind of a clumsy design, really, but it sure is somethin ya dont see any more) and I never could find it. This guitar still plays and sounds great !! The original bridge is at its lowest, action only slightly high, and very enjoyable to play. I applied a new cord, cuz I couldnt find an original anywhere, and that old hershey bar sounds awesome !!! GREAT, and UNDER_RATED GUITARS !!! --Mike A.
  • SPOILER of The BASTARD MAKERS - 2009-06-25
    I have a H37 it has the golden pick up and a cherry blonde to light brown finish, i got the guitar in Vegas for around $150.00 bux and it plays so clean either plugged in or acoustic. I really dig mine.
  • eric - 2009-10-27
    I lost mine, if you Find it I would like to buy it back S# 2188h89, small crack near top f hole, new cheap tuners, tone nob does not work. awkwardly_pleasant@yahoo.com, don't care if you read this ten years from now if you see it e-mail me
  • HollywoodOwner - 2010-08-30
    Mine is labeled H1214 inside, but is clearly an H39 with a Hershey bar style pickup. Odd? Or does someone else own one with the same marking?
  • harmony-mous - 2010-12-11
    my H-39 also has a H1214 stamp!
  • Sunny - 2011-02-04
    I have one I found at a yard sale for $5 in pieces in 1989.
    It was a sunburst. I stripped the finish and restored it in its natural wood. Had a rosewood neck. Had the neck refretted. Under the rosewood neck the neck is maple I left that in its natural finish as well.I put clear plastic pick gaurds on it.
    I have it signed to my son by Stevie Ray Vaughan,Chris Layton,Tommy Shannon,Buddy Guy,Danny Gatton,Robert Lockwood Jr.and Johnny Winters.
  • Little Wing - 2011-05-15
    I traded some labor for a '61. It was in terrible condition and someone had the bright idea to make it left handed (moved the volume and the tone). I've been working on it for the last 20 months and its finally up and playing. Beautiful tone. Definitely worth the time.
  • NoDMB - 2011-08-14
    so about 4 years ago I was living up in Nederland Colorado in a little old blue house off of 4th street and went searching around in the shed and found what I think is a 1952 Vintage H39. The marking inside says 2119H39 and there is a second marking that says FVP it has the red treble clef logo on headstock. I asked the landlord if he was doing anything with it and he was basically like "oh that old thing you can have it if ya like it" it is in pretty ruff shape and missing the original red jack plugin chord and the original floating bridge the back of the guitar has nearly come all the way off but it has no cracks or anything so I'm searching desperately for a way to fix this problem but not ruin the integrity of the guitar and also I need a replacement floating bridge(original if at all possible)and a replacement red jack plugin chord
  • Eric - 2011-12-22
    Still haven't found it, new email eric.audiotone@gmail.com
  • Bobkat Man - 2012-03-15
    I have this and the 2 pickup model. These single pickup have a sound that I prefer. I am the same with Bobkats. The h14 model sound far superior to the h15. That is my opinion. Does anybody else find this to be true.
  • Ike - 2012-08-02
    Any Idea what the FVP stamp stands for? I just got my third Harmony and she's in pretty rough shape. I hope to bring her back from the dead.
    No: 1878H39
  • Guitarinsaniac - 2012-09-25
    I was fortunate enough to pick up a 1966 Harmony H39 along with a 1964 H1214, a Harmony H801 Electric, as well as a Teisco E-100 Electric at a garage sale. Get this. All for 80 dollars. All were mint, or near mint. The H39 and H1214 are exceptional and great players. It was a good day!
  • ryanv - 2013-01-29
    Just picked up an H39 with the DeArmond pickup. Electronics are good, sound is very nice. Having the neck reset right now to get the action lowered. All original with original pickguard, pretty sweet guitar for not a lot of money.
  • Paul - 2013-03-16
    Just bought a Harmony Hollywood for $50 that says 87H37 inside. Like a previous poster here stated, Harmony used the H37 bodies for the H39 and didn't bother to change the stamped number inside. Beautiful Brazilian rosewood bridge. Some seam separations to glue and re-attach the output jack wire and it should be good to go. Hasn't been played in 25 years according to previous owner. Still has 4 flatwound strings on it!
  • Keith - 2013-08-02
    Dad passed recently, had one hidden,, I play so I got it, among others. I like this one. It is neat, old, and all stock, as far as I can tell. Not the best in my collection, but sentiment counts. That being said, what do I HAVE? I know very little about this, HELP! beckermow@yahoo.com
  • Don - 2015-04-18
    Have a hand-me-down h39 from 1967 - the stamp verifies that it's a 39. The odd thing id that the fret board has dots instead of blocks inlaid. The head is right (Hollywood with the statue) so I don;t think it's been replaced. Need to do so work on it - the action is baaaddd and the back is pulling off, both things pretty fixable. Any feedback?
  • eric - 2015-12-02
    Almost 2016 and I'm still looking for my guitar, please contact me at eric.audiotone@gmail.com if you come across a hollywood with this serial number #2188h89. It means a lot to me.
  • Paul H - 2016-02-10
    My guitar is numbered 917H39.
    Does not have a reinforced neck.
    Does have the hollywood logo on head.
    Is missing the pick guard.
    Does not seem to have ever been electrified.
    I can't find an arch top Harmony Hollywood not electrified. Any clues to the age?
  • Greg - 2016-03-12
    I bought a '63 one pick up Hollywood from a garage sale for $100 in 2014. Tuned to D flat major open tuning, then capo'd on 1st fret, guitar sounds large, throaty, amazing. It has a cool vibe, great headstock, will last another 50 years or more. On these Harmony hollow bodies, put acoustic strings on, not electric, it's way better sounding.
  • Meanodaddyo - 2020-03-03
    So I scooped up this ole girl last night. I still have the original pick guard but I’m missing the saddle and pickup. So now, the fun begins! Putting her back into playing shape! Wish me luck! By the way, she’s an H39

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