H6390 - Grand Concert
Acoustic flatop - Natural
Production year(s) : 1974 (other years possible, not verified)
Grand concert size from the last USA years. Catalog says "Spruce-grained" top and "rosewood feel". An owner said it's laminated woods all around.
28 images in database mouse over image for file name - click to enlarge
Top wood | laminated with faux spruce grain
| Body wood | laminated with faux rosewood grain
| Laminated woods
5 comments | Add your comment ! - M2 - 2008-06-04
This was my big sister Debbie's guitar. She used to play the can can on it all the time circa 75! She's responsible for me becomming a guitar player! - Tom - 2009-12-08
I have this guitar! Mine is a 1975 model that I got when I was about 11 or 12 years old. It's in almost mint condition and it has a beautiful tone! The stamped-on ID says it's a H6340 model, but the Harmony sticker says it's a H6390 model. Based on the pictures in this database, it's a H6390 because it has the rosewood bridge and a beautiful back, just like the pictures on this page. I love my Harmony! - jeff fraley - 2012-09-22
i still have this guitar it was my first and ive written several songs on it but its almost wore out its the first guitar i grab when i just wanna play - Dave - 2016-01-01
My best friend Greg gave me a 6390 a long time ago - Chris - 2018-09-30
What is the estimated value of this Guitar