H1300 - Cremona VN
Acoustic archtop - Natural
Production year(s) : 1940-1951 (other years possible, not verified)
Engraved tortoise celluloid headpiece. "Nu-Tone" natural finish, carved spruce top, maple back and sides. Original pickguard is black with a "C" motif until 1950.
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Top wood | Spruce
| Body wood | Maple
| Carved top - All solid woods
1 comment | Add your comment ! - Harmocat - 2009-01-28
I obtained just the neck of a Cremona, and mated it with a Kay K-45 body, for (IMO) the best of both worlds. I despise size/contour of Kay necks, but love the big, blonde 17 1/2" Kay body. This Cremona neck is big, well contoured and comfy. The tone of the natural finish and tortoise-iod binding of the neck matches the body perfectly, and whatta (one of a kind) gtr I have now! Acoustically, it is no match for a Stromberg 400, but does a decent job. With a Harmony "McCarty Fingerrest"-type assembly (H-44-type p.u. mounted in a big pickguard) attached, it is a killer arch top electric. Lucky me!!