H158 - Birch Jumbo
Acoustic flatop - Natural
Production year(s) : 1968-1969 (other years possible, not verified)
Economical version of the H1260 but not a Sovereign (replaced later by H159). Birch body construction. Screwed-on pin-style bridge, no trussrod.
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10 comments | Add your comment ! - Dave - 2007-06-11
Hi, found your site on a link from Vintaxe. One of these guitar photos is one I sold on Ebay. It was surprising to see it but I'm glad it is being used for such a great web site. You have probably the best and most complete info out there on these American classics. Keep up the good work. - Bob K - 2009-02-07
I have a model H158 I bought while I was in the Navy in 1970. I payed $25 for it. The serial # on mine is 4434H158, one number above the one in the photo. I've toted it with me for 39 years, and is now the only guitar I own. Not that easy to play, but we're still doing a tune now and then. - mark - 2010-06-09
I am a teacher and was given a Harmony Birch Jumbo as a gift from my senior students. It serial # 4431H158. Wow what a gift I shall always treasure. Each student signed the case! Thank you students I will never forget this awesome gift or the pleasure of having you all as my students! Good luck to all. - Jimmy - 2010-08-05
Fantastic website! Keep up the good work! On behalf of all american vintage guitars lovers - THANK YOU!!! - Deadcenter - 2012-03-09
I have #4390H158 It's a great old guitar that my Dad gave me. I had no idea how old it was, thanks for helping me narrow it to '68 or '69 :) - Roddy - 2013-02-11
I have a 69 H158 4411 - Harold sawyer - 2015-10-25
I have #4396H158 only six away from the guy below me. I am had to reglue the ladder braces and birch back - Bill Frisbee - 2016-10-10
I have # 4393H158 Date 68ML This number is right in between the last two guys here. Mine has a Gunn Logo on the Headstock and is a Resonator. Only one I have ever seen. - KERRY - 2018-01-27
I bought an H158 serial 4415 about a year ago. With good strings it's a great sounding guitar. Thanks for the great info on this site.
- Phil - 2018-02-10
My first guitar, bought in 1969. A Harmony H158, 1969 Serial 8751 H158. I learned on this guitar and used it to teach my two boys. I still have some of the original tags. Harmony recommended Black Diamond Brass Wound strings for this guitar, set number 4580. This old Harmony plays beautifully and holds its tune. Always did!