Electric Archtop - Sunburst
Production year(s) : 1956-1959 (other years possible, not verified)
1 pickup - replaced the H50, but with the new thin body and trussrod neck
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5 comments | Add your comment ! - greybeard - 2010-01-28
I bought a H52 new in 1958. What a beauty. stupid me sold it in 1972,. Found another on ebay (the only 2 I have seen in my life)and stupidly sold it 4 yrs ago. Great giutar. Will I ever learn - Dak - 2014-04-19
My friend had one of these H52s sitting in his basement, covered in dust. It's been reglued in a couple places and the logos are worn, but visible. I asked whose it was and he said "Yours. Take it." The serial number inside reads 1065, which I assume to be one of the '56 or '57 models. A little TLC and some new strings and it's a real player! - Jim Fellman - 2015-09-22
I just got one of these put together from a basket case. New fret board and pretty much totally rebuilt. This guitar sounds amazing. Deep clean bass, great mids and highs. I don't have a P13 so am running a Dearmond copy. It's great. Love this guitar. - Samantha - 2015-11-30
I have a H52 in like new condition. Has 1 small scratch on it but that is it. Was in a hard case under my fathers bed for as long as I can remember. Need some strings and to be set up as the strings that are on it are so high off the pick up they hardly register but the sound it does make is great. - Rachel - 2016-09-27
I have one of these! I didn't realize it was as old as it is. My father picked it up from a thrift store (I believe) when I was a child. He left it behind when he and my mom split. Original case too, though it is a little worse for wear. My own daughter is learning guitar, and I dug this old guy out of the basement to learn alongside her and help her out. It sounds pretty nice for something so long forgotten, though I broke the G while tuning it..... For the second time *sigh* It's kind of neat to think I have a piece of guitar history in my living room.